Spiritual Coaching


What is a Spiritual Coach?

A spiritual coach is someone who works to connect clients with the spiritual tools and resources necessary to improve their lives. Spiritual coaches take strategies familiar to life coaches—like positive affirmations, negative thought replacement, and self-discovery—and add a spiritual element to them.

What does a Spiritual Coach DO?

A Spiritual Coach provides individuals the mental, physical, and spiritual tools they need to face their own challenges straight on. They are present to offer guidance, support, encouragement, and strategic tools to help clients reinvent themselves and regain alignment in order to become a more fulfilled, higher version of themselves!

Life Coach vs. Spiritual Coach

Both help clients to better themselves, provide them with mental tools to overcome obstacles, and help them to live life to the fullest. However, spiritual coaches bring a unique perspective to the table. 

A spiritual life coach may make ample use of concepts such as energy healing, God, Universal Energy, reincarnation, Karma, guides, or meditation. Ultimately, spiritual coaches help clients connect with a power beyond themselves. 

Note that spiritual coaches—and spiritual coaching clients—do not need to be religious. While religions focus on a set of doctrines and practices, spiritual people prefer a more direct connection with greater power. Spiritual life coaches help clients maintain that connection while bettering their lives. 

Unsure if this is still a right fit for you?
Contact me or book a discovery call to learn more!